Choose your Change with Fight or Flight Choices

Hola Faithful Warriorz…

How many remember or still possibly say the old saying “A penny for your thoughts”?


With all my thoughts, I wish someone would say that to me. I’ll be happy to unleash ALL my thoughts on them AAAND get paid to talk.

Can’t beat that deal.

So, curiosity got the best of me and I did a little google reading.

How many thoughts an average person has a day?

From my reading, the count ranged from 50,000 to 80,000. So, for my post, I’m running with 70,000. Then, I came across another article that stated 80% of our thoughts are NEGATIVE with 95% of those are repetitive thoughts from yesterday. Soooo…my thought (the count begins) is that within that 95% only 15% are new & positive thoughts topped with a cherry of an additional 5% positivity! (Don’t hold me to my breakdown just having some math fun!)

So, if there is any truth to those percentages (excluding my two cents), no wonder some of us are suffering from #UnspokenBattles. Then, to have another’s person 70k thoughts or 80% negativity influencing ours…like wow!

Let’s put our thoughts aside because that’s not the only challenges in life that impact the decisions we make and how we make them. Most of our decisions are narrowed down to two choices: fight or flight. 

Everyone has a story to tell about their fair share of fight or flight choices. Throughout life, we come across these choices and the unfortunate sad truth, some of us are fighting or flighting the same situation over and over.

“Definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

 – Albert Einstein

It becomes extremely exhausting.

So much to the point of overwhelming.

You start questioning everything.

Crying the same tears for the same reasons.

Now, the moment you start questioning the situation might be you starting to break the toxic cycle. You’re starting to realize your worth and time. Those values you can’t put a price on nor are they worth losing for anything or anyone, especially if no good is coming to or in your life.

From personal experiences, sometimes it’s hard to make a clear decision because your mind and heart are not on the same page. That was…or I should say…is my situation. It’s like the devil & angel scene with them sitting on my shoulders whispering in my ears. My heart is saying, “For better or worse.” while my mind is saying, “How much worse before it gets better?”. My heart is whispering, “Til death do us part.” while my mind whispers, “But you’ve already died a thousand deaths – inside…”.  My heart pleading to stay and fight. My mind screaming to run and take flight.

It’s an ongoing war in my head with thousands upon thousands of thoughts being played on loop mode. Then, here comes the other thoughts slowly crawling so they can begin to infest. Other choices start to feel like an option to neutralize. A decision you feel will solve all your problems and put an end to all your thoughts for now insanity has kicked in.

But WHY??

I’m doing things differently to change. I’m trying to change myself to change the situation. I’m looking at my flaws to change them. Nothing is changing, no matter what I do!

Yet, what exactly am I changing? I mean, what is truly being changed?

(Here comes the peak of breaking the “toxic” cycle.) Back to the “But why??” … I’m looking at the wrong things to change, in order, to expect different results. What needs to change is my choice.

Throughout everything, I kept FIGHTING.

♥ Fighting the truth.

♥ Fighting to stay sane.

♥ Fighting outsiders.

♥ Fighting the wrong battle.

That is why nothing was changing. What I should have been doing differently to see change was my choice. I wish I could say it’s easy to make the other choice to walk away from someone you love, but it’s not. Yet, that was the only thing I wasn’t changing but expected something different every time.


Once my heart accepts that truth. Then, my heart and mind can be on the same page making my FLIGHT choice easier because I did…something…different.



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