Emotional Path
Yesterday was like any other day.
Traveled the same familiar path.
Saw the same things,
Made the same turns,
Took the same curves,
And ignored the same signs.
   I could have closed my eyes and blindly felt my way along.
But today.
It started the same as any other day. Still took the same familiar path. Yet, something was different. Not the day as it was the same. Not the road for it was the same. It was me. I felt something different about ME.
   I never realized how much it was my worse enemy. I always thought of it as my best friend but it was playing against me. It knew me down to my every step of every second. I thought I was so ahead of it that I would laugh when I would beat the time from the day before. Yet, it already knew my Destination just as well as I knew this road. The thought of time made my heart beat faster. My hands became unsteady. Thoughts started to cloud my mind which played into my emotions and altered my judgment. I tried to ignore but it always got the best of me.
Suddenly, time stopped as I was near my destination. I looked around and there was my dear old friend that I hadn’t seen in a while, Reality. It reached it’s hand out, as if, gesturing to greet me. I took it’s hand and saw the end of this road. I released a deep, long sigh for I thought maybe – just maybe, Reality would have shown me something different. Immediately, I saw a very well known friend, Unhappiness, slowly creeping out from within the shadows. I tried to contain any shred of joy I had until I noticed the twins, Bitterness & Anger, lurking in the shadows not far behind Unhappiness.
I remained motionless.
Felt Hopeless.
Became Lost.
Their thoughts, my thoughts…were becoming as one.
Then, a detour road appeared with another familiar friend, I knew too well, standing at the entrance – Fear. I glanced down at the detour road. Fear shook it’s head and grinned. The others joined in. Without looking, I felt Anger leading the way. Reality stood behind-the-scenes and watched. I stood at the “Y”, going back and forth staring down at the familiar road and detour road. I closed my eyes. When I opened them, Fear’s grin instantly went away and Reality started to recede. I knew what I needed to do.
So, I walked with confidence towards Fear and stared it straight in the eyes. I saw my own reflection and smiled. Fear stepped aside and I took the first step onto the detour road.
I never looked back.